Kimberly Langdon

Medical Doctor

Published Articles for Intelligentlabs:

Magnesium: The Ultimate Supplement Guide

To say that Magnesium (Mg) is an important mineral is an understatement. It’s literally required [...]

Fish Oil and Diabetes: Can Omega-3 Lower Blood Sugar?

When it comes to regulating blood sugar levels, omega-3 fish oil can be a godsend. [...]

What’s The Difference Between Triglyceride And Ethyl Ester Omega-3 Fish Oil?

Omega-3 fish oil comes in two types, natural triglycerides and ethyl esters. Knowing the differences [...]

14 Amazing Research-Backed Berberine Benefits!

The buzz is starting to get out about Berberine. There are not many supplements that [...]

How To Increase Insulin Sensitivity Naturally

You can’t turn on the radio or flick through a magazine without hearing someone talking [...]

Are Naps Good For You?

In some cultures, napping in the middle of the day is frowned upon. You’re supposed [...]

Omega-3 Benefits: It’s Vital For Health & Fitness

Decades before the science behind omega-3 was understood, families were taking a spoonful of cod [...]

Could Your Gut Bacteria be Making You Fat?

We all know why people get fat, don’t we? We’ve had it drummed into us [...]

Can Omega-3 Improve Insulin Sensitivity?

Do you have insulin issues but aren’t too keen on taking synthetic drugs such as [...]

How to Boost Your Immune System During the Coronavirus Outbreak

By now, the whole world knows what the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is. After all, [...]