Tag Archives: Brain Health

Lion’s Mane Mushrooms: The Ultimate Guide To Nature’s Brain Booster

The next time you go for a walk in the woods, keep an eye out [...]

Lion’s Mane: Tasty Mushrooms with Cognitive Health Benefits

Delicate, tender, juicy, and meaty… these are but a few words used to describe the [...]

Take Magnesium Daily: 10 Life-Changing Benefits For Men and Women

Magnesium, an unsung hero in our diet, is vital for maintaining our health. It’s not [...]

Need A Mood Booster Supplement That Works? Try Phosphatidylserine!

Feeling down? It might be time to turn that frown upside down with some help [...]

Video Games and Phosphatidylserine: Cheat Codes for Cognitive Health?

Imagine if playing your favorite video game could be more than just an entertaining pastime! [...]

Magnesium: The Ultimate Supplement Guide

To say that Magnesium (Mg) is an important mineral is an understatement. It’s literally required [...]

Ultimate Guide To Berberine: The Best Natural Metformin Alternative

The incidence of insulin resistance, obesity, and other metabolic disorders has reached massive proportions in [...]

Magnesium Glycinate vs L-Threonate vs Taurate: What’s The Difference?

Magnesium (Mg) is an important dietary mineral involved in more than 600 biochemical processes in [...]

What Is Burnout? Can Nootropics Help?

There’s no escaping workplace stress. No matter what field of work you’re in, even if [...]

Psychobiotics: Connecting The Gut Microbiome and Brain

Live Cultures, like our Intelligent Labs Live Cultures supplements, have been selling like hotcakes in [...]